Things to Consider before Making a Career Move

When it comes to risky career moves, one must proceed with cautions. Think about the pros and cons, and what you’ll gain or lose if you quit your current job. Whether you are switching employers or industries, these are the key factors that you need to sort out first. Otherwise, you’re advised to wait a little longer to make a big career move.

  • Your current skill set

A workplace provides a versatile learning environment. It elevates one’s skill to the next level throughout the yearlong training.  Evaluate the skills that the company has equipped you over the course of your job. A self-understanding of your strengths and weaknesses is also essential to move your career forward.

Your current skill set is of paramount importance if you decide to make a career leap because it carries negotiation power to bargain with your next employer. If you have SAS skills to be a qualified data scientist, and know that your next job offer will provide a more competitive remuneration package, then congratulations. You are free to go.

Nevertheless, repeating the same routine task daily without learning anything new is not a positive sign. Do yourself a favour; embolden yourself and go to your superior to ask for task rotations; in this way, you can be armed with a second skill set.

  • Your life goals  

Before you decide to quit, it is important to figure out what you truly want in life. To make a fortune? To have a happy family? Or to lead a successful career?

Think long and hard about it because it affects how your future looks like, and such goals can propel you towards big-time achievement.  

The truth is you’ll soon regret if you hand in the resignation letter without any career planning beforehand. If you would like to switch career or learn a new kind of skill, plan in advance before leaving your current company.  

For instance, academic institutions such as Venturenix Lab and various universities provide a variety of topic-focused courses in both full time and part time mode to sharpen your skillset. Upon completion, students can further elevate their careers.

Door of opportunity is always waiting for you to walk through.​

  • How to survive the transitory period?

Securing a side job or freelance opportunity might be helpful in making through the transitory period. The transitory period is supposed to let you rejuvenate and reevaluate your life; worrying about financial conditions will hinder you from doing so.

Depending on your saving is one way to survive. But with freelance opportunity, you can continue to work on different projects, maintain your skills and generate sufficient income during a career hiatus. It’ll also look good on your resume.  

Ponder on this if you’re hoping to switch career, and get well-prepared to begin a new chapter in life.